I was playing cricket in the street and an auto rickshawala happened to join us. He lives on the other side of the society and is a regular carrier for most of the oldies that live on this side. He is an off-spinner. I've always found something worth learning from such people. After all, though he is just 20, he happens to run a successful business at such a young age when most of us don't even know what we are upto. He was so successful that he had an iPhone. We played a few more matches after that day. Became good friends. Now we'd wave a Hi at each other whenever we met. One fine day, I asked him that question which Christopher Gardner had asked Bob Bridges,"What do you do? And how do you do it?". This is the first part of his lesson in which he explained to me how he was able to earn more than others in the same time. How he chose his passengers and what are the things that a passenger should keep in mind before boarding a rickshaw.
Beware of the Greetings
After my friend was done with disclosing the secret tactics that he and his kind employ to get more money out of their customers, I asked him if he ever felt like cheating on someone? If he was being unethical? He grinned and replied, "Ethics are for the rich. For the poor, it's survival."
Be on the Right Side
If a person happens to catch an auto from the wrong side of their destination, they unknowingly increase their chances of paying extra. It's an indication of their ignorance. So if you are not sure, ask someone and be on the right side before catching your ride.
Use the Right Language
This is particular to the auto and taxi drivers of places where Hindi is not used as the first language. My friend tells me, "Even if you know Hindi, always use Marathi at first." This makes the passenger even more helpless and then when you try and use Hindi, it makes them comfortable. Much like a mechanic who makes the trouble sound greater and then comes up with a solution.
Put your Phone & AddressNote inside
Another indicator that you are new to the place is when you are browsing through your phone or a piece of paper for the address. Or if you're on a phone call asking someone for the address. It puts you at the mercy of your driver. So always copy-paste the address in your head.
Beware of the Greetings
Be cautious of an ego boost if the auto-driver begins with a "Sahab". My friend tells me,"साहब बोला तो एक्स्ट्रा भरते। इज़्ज़त बढ़ती ना वैसे।". This also depicts the mindset of the society we live in. Where only the title of a Sahab makes you respectable.
Settling the fare
The auto-walas can play with the minds of their most shrewd passengers in determining the fare by using psychology. They make two offers here in Pune. One is a fixed amount decided in advance. The other is to go with the meter "+Extra30". This additional 30 can play on your mind. And passengers usually go for the pre-decided fixed amount. "ऐसे अपुन का भी टाइम बचता और दाम भी सही मिलने का. "
Settling the fare
The auto-walas can play with the minds of their most shrewd passengers in determining the fare by using psychology. They make two offers here in Pune. One is a fixed amount decided in advance. The other is to go with the meter "+Extra30". This additional 30 can play on your mind. And passengers usually go for the pre-decided fixed amount. "ऐसे अपुन का भी टाइम बचता और दाम भी सही मिलने का. "
Don't pitch for the bitch
Like the famous movie, Boiler Room(2000), these auto walas are pretty smart in making their choices. The older and much experienced drivers are wary of women for a reason. "She won't pay the exact amount if she comes to know what is the right fare. Why take such trouble?", "And what about the men?", I asked him. "Men are generous. They always pay", he replied.
After my friend was done with disclosing the secret tactics that he and his kind employ to get more money out of their customers, I asked him if he ever felt like cheating on someone? If he was being unethical? He grinned and replied, "Ethics are for the rich. For the poor, it's survival."